Dominica...the last Caribbean gem...
We had a great sail from Terre de Haut, Les Saintes to Portsmouth, Dominica. My what a difference 20 nautical miles makes!

This island is a "wet" island...I think we explained that on last year's blog. With the "trades" (easterly winds) this island sees rain almost every day...rain squalls anyway...not constant rain. It's highest mountain, Morne Diablotins is 4,747 feet, and is usually in the clouds. The island is truly a rainforest tropical "paradise". Banannas...mangos...breadfruit...coconut...dasheen...vanilla...cinnamon...nutmeg...can all be found in PLENTY...and MOST important (ha ha ha)...lemon grass grows wild here...more on that later from our Roseau tour...
So anyway in to Portsmouth and hooking up with Martin on Providence. He is a local the "olden days" they were called "boat boys", because truly back then it was the boys of the island while the dads fished and worked. Here they have developed their business niche around helping tourists...and in Portsmouth ...the cruiser is the most predominant tourist. Last year there were hmmmm...maybe 40 or so boats. This year we have heard there have been up to 95 in the Prince Rupert Bay! Now part of that this year the cruiser's HAD to stop because of the Guadaloupe (I now hear that they are over)...and part of it is that the word is getting out about Dominica being the last unspoiled island in the Caribbean...and friendly!!

A sincere and genuine love of people here. A very little bit of the history...the French, the British, slaves, and forts, and battles, and the Carib Indians. This island gained independence from the British in November 1978...and then "hurricane David brought the island to it's knees" in 1979 (this was a quote from Lambert...mentioned below).

Saturday morning is the local market we went for grapefruits (the best flavored grapefruit I've ever tasted), carrots (these taste sweet...almost like a sweet potato), banana's

lettuce, nutmeg, and dasheen

(this is a potato like root that Paul cooked and was VERY good...consistency...more like glue when mashed).

A local man that had been begging from Paul (while I was in a store) the previous day, saw us bring our dingy up to the downtown shore for the market...

Most cruisers leave their dingys at the dock either at Big Papa's or the Purple Turtle and walk downtown. He helped us ashore, helped pull the dingy up, and then walked around with us.

This view is from the downtown market to the anchorage. Now, while initially he was somewhat of a pest, neither Paul nor I had the heart to tell him to get lost...and then he took the bag from me...oh, what a relief...that thing was sooooo heavy....especially once we got the 12 we got a picture...

he helped us get Little Bit back out in the water...and we tipped him $10 e.c....$3.85 u.s...

Later we rode our bikes over to the Cabrits National Park entrance

and then walked up

to Fort Shirley.

Beautiful views!

Of Prince Rupert Bay, the anchorage and the town...

I began chatting with three young men that I sort of recognized as on a 28 foot yellow sloop that anchored in front of us the previous night. The three of them are headed back across the "pond" to Sweden on this LITTLE TINY boat! They had it shipped to Trinidad and now are spending time going up the Carribean. Paul was listening to their plans intently and then giving them great places to provision and see! We finished our walk down to the bikes and then rode back to the Purple Turtle,

stopped and Paul had a beer, I a coke...

The Lady H at anchor view from the Purple Turtle and the three young Swedish men's little sloop anchored in front of us....where I must add...

(view of the Purple Turtle from the Lady H) anchored off of the Purple Turtle we were able to get the BEST internet on the boat of the entire Carribean! As we were relaxing, the three Swedish young men (27, 24, and 22 - some sort of medical students - we didn't ask specifics - but they couldn't lollygag - they did have a date when they needed to be back) started rowing their dingy back to their sloop (in the above picture, not in this picture)...

it seems their dingy has a slow leak...
On our way to Big Papa's for some curry chicken (we discovered it last year...and just had to enjoy it again this year) a U.S. flagged boat waved to us and we went over to chat. Wonderful couple with a young son (6 years old) wanted to see if we wanted to go on a local tour. The more people to fill a van...the less we said yes! Unfortunately another couple couldn't go because of some intestinal issues on the morning of the tour. We went to Chaudiere Pool,

It is inland a little and on the north east side of the island. Yes, Paul walked (hiked) the whole 2,684 feet...

DOWN...if you look closely there is a trail in the above picture....

crossed the river...climbed over the rocks...swam in the pool....

yes, a refreshing pool. And, Paul is back on the boat...which means he climbed over the rocks, crossed the river, and HIKED UP the 2,684 feet as well.

The only thing we didn't do was jump off the cliff into the 20 foot deep pool!

It was beautiful, and...

just as we were leaving a few local young men came to the pool for their lunch-time refreshment jumps!

We would stop along the way to see the beautiful types of Birds of Paradise...

Along the way a view of the hillside farming...

A bird's eye view of Calibishe...well, okay not a bird...more like a hillside view...

A van ride to Calibishie....

and then to the red rocks...

two places we had seen last year...

but still ever so beautiful!
Monday we sailed the 15 miles or so to Roseau...the southern most (on the west side city)

and the capital of Dominica.

View of the local fishing boats from where the Lady H was on a mooring ball. Tuesday we had a tour with Lambert. By chance...he was a WONDERFUL breath of fresh air and conservatism on the islands! Paul's friend is teasing him that Lambert found out what his political views were and then agreed with them...for tips...but we know the truth!!! How refreshing to meet a man that believes that the government should stay out of people's lives for the most part! He is one of the first black men that we have met whom I will state is not a racist...he does not vote for someone because of the color of their skin...he dislikes Obama on policies...bigger government...more control...take from those who have worked hard - give to the government to dole out... Lambert would never have voted for him just because he is black like so many people did in the U.S. He watches FOX news...listens to Rush and about that!!!!

First stop a view of the city from above. Here we toured areas that are better the cruiseship crowds...Trafalgar Falls. There are two waterfalls here...the locals have named...

this one the male....

and this one the female...I'll leave the "whys" up to you...I hiked down the "at your own risk" area to the river below the falls...

where I found some of the water in the river to be warm...then back up the trail.

This cave constantly steams... To Sulphur Springs at Wotten Waven...

and a long bumpy ride

the roads do leave a little to be desired and are VERY steep... to Emerald Pool...

where there was a nice pathway to the pool! I just had to go in and another gentleman (caught up to us from the cruiseship) and I

went under the waterfalls!!!

Very refreshing! As we drove back...we passed miles and miles of Lemon Grass fields...

Lambert told us that the Lemon Grass gets so dry that the fields burn...and then it just comes back...hearty as ever. Back to the boat...
The next morning...diving! Our first dive was in Soufriere Bay...a spot named "Witches Point"...we were told it was where people would go to jump off the cliff to their deaths rather than be was a wall dive..

we didn't go to the 1500 feet that it dropped to...we went about 78 feet...

vibrant colors...very beautiful wall.

Paul took the little camera

and will be starting to take pictures on our dives.

So here is a picture of me along the wall with the big camera. We are hoping that it helps him relax and breath less. But this dive he ran short on air and returned with the Divemaster.

A young Brit man who has been diving with AlsDive for a few months so he knows the diving areas, (16 years old, parents are moving to the island - technically cannot be a Divemaster because of his age but since I am an Instructor they felt comfortable not having a Divermaster present with me) that was escorting me was running low on air and getting cold, so back to their boat we went as well!

Longjaw Squirrelfish inside a Barrel Sponge.

Giant...Giant Barrel Sponges.... Second dive of the day was called Champagne...

probably after the bubbles that vent here!

White spotted Filefish (orange phase)....This dive too was beautiful...
While Paul had had enough (all the hiking and biking of previous days and then the diving...he was "wooped")...I just had to go on one more two tank dive!! The owner of Al's Dive, Billy and I went out the next morning. We went to Scott's Head Pinacles first. There was a little bit of EVERYTHING on this dive!

From swimming into a VERY strong current

and keeping up with Billy, (I'm so glad that I have my fins) diving around the pinacles and the volcano crater where there was no swim throughs with current too strong for me to swim through

(three single pulls with my left hand - glad I wore my gloves...remember the bulky camera was in my right hand)...and DOWN...

to where there was no current...

and then a DRIFT

along a beautiful wall (dropping to thousands of feet) where we could hear whales...whewwwww...that dive was a test...I passed.

Because I had been diving the previous day and Billy had not (and on air...not nitrox...darn) my nitrogen loading was giving me the "low air time" I got Billy's attention...he understood...and we went for our 3 minute safety stop. Our second dive was off of Point Guignard...

another beautiful area...and "just" a very relaxing dive.

Lot's of swim throughs (but no current),

a cave, and.....

a Longlure Frogfish!

Now, here is my "note"...Dominica does not allow divers to dive without being escorted by a local dive operator...not something I usually condone (in fact we did not dive in Portsmouth for just that reason)...but the waters off of Roseau...well, perhaps I'll make an exception....

Harlequin Bass....
When I got back to the boat...we had off we went back up to Portsmouth to meet with our "Brit friends" as Paul calls them who were sailing down to Portsmouth from Guadaloupe. How fun to meet up with them again! After a relaxing Thursday evening...the next morning, Martin came by and invited me to go snorkeling with two other couples over to Douglas Bay and Toucarie Bay...not to be a "scuba snob" of course I went - yes, in my skin - but not because of the "ss" syndrome but because I didn't want to get the back of my shoulders and legs horribly sunburned...then later that afternoon Phil and I went snorkeling from the boat to the pier...he of course got a kick out of my new snorkel fashion look! It was a LONG way and I was a little disappointed in the pier (visability and abundance of fish - or lack thereof)...but

I did find this Red-Spot Comb Jelly on the way back...I had brought the little camera (of course) I got a picture of him/her/it...long swim was worth it!!! Saturday night we had our friends over for Fahitias...we were all a bit tired... and we were sailing out Sunday morningish...they were going on a tour Monday...we were promising to meet up with them in Bequia later in the week. So...if a picture is worth a thousand words....this is one very long blog....