Bear with me on this blog is only about what I know...
I know that all three of my children are now Washington State University Alumni...
and proud is just not a strong enough word for how I feel about each one of them...
I know that I love sharing my enjoyment of the water with my children...
I know that I love scuba diving with my son. I won't go so far as to say it was because I was a fantastic instructor...
but we both hope and will plan to scuba dive more in the future together...
he is a wonderful buddy...

I know that I love being around all of my children...again I won't go so far as to say it was because I was a good parent (I know I made many mistakes). They are such a joy to be around, they travel very well, and they love spite of me...and, speaking of travel...
after a few relaxing days at Fantasy Island...
beach time...
the only boat time we got in...
a little tourist time....