Phil and Joanna drove down for a day sail...First time Joanna had ever been sailing. Lots of questions and of course her sailing jitters. Report is in...she did wonderful and enjoyed it...We sailed out of Biscayne channel by the homes on stilts

Seems they were built in the Prohibition days as a way to drink and gamble. No power or water...supposed to be very expensive......must be grandfathered in the local laws.....no new ones but as you can see they have been updated. Real skinny water out here ...going through the channel the water was only 8-8.5 ft....

We had a great sail..had to dodge the crazy fishing boats that were flying their kites....they always want to head into the wind and don't care who is sailing down on them...they will go right in front of you and expect you to change your course to include missing their kite 75 yd behind them. Then there are the go fast boats zipping around. 28 ft with 4 300hp outboards....1200 hp...wow..there went my fuel bill for the year....

We got back to Dinner Key about happy hour. Mike and Vic came over for happy hour....Mike had cooked us desert...Flan....yummy. They had dink sat for us. Instead of dragging the dink, we left it with them. I cooked Fajitas ..Phil's favorite...as usual the cleaned his plate.
Up early this AM. I went to work on the damn switch for the gen set....thing failed again last night. I swapped it with a new one...chattered...would not latch and hold the current. So I wired the gen direct, eliminated the shore power....never go to a marina anyway. Something that's back on the to-do list. Now charging the batteries and washing a load of clothes. We will dink ashore and make a run to the food store. Plan on leaving tomorrow AM early on the high tide and knock off 50 miles of the 150 to Key West. Should have good wind all day. Will rig the starboard pole as the wind will be on the butt.
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul