Still Windy...
With the hope of more sun (thus more warmth) after a load of laundry, we decided to venture to town this morning after spending yesterday cleaning on the boat. We walked to the Post Office and then went shopping....
Of course we took the time for Paul to check out his favorite bar....and yes,for "that" he really can climb those steps!!!!
Then....two for one margarita's here....but we had had off to find a few t-shirts. Then to a restaurant more for the "locals" where I had a snapper sandwich (shared) and Paul had a chef salad...good food! Wind was even stronger than when we left (perhaps up to 25 knots) so our dingy ride back to the boat was a but WET!!! I was ready to jump in and swim back as it felt like the water was warmer than the air!!! It was in the mid 70's...but by the time we got back to Lady H, I was chilled to the bone!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul