Monday AM 8:15 Well the last 2 days have been busy. Phil and his new wife Joanna were over for dinner on Friday night. They let us use 1 of their cars Saturday and Sunday to run some errands and restock the fridge...not that we needed anything, there were things on sale....can't let those go by... Just before they arrived on Friday the shore power breaker tripped. Damn.....generator still worked but the shore power did not....that switch replaced back in Baltimore became suspect. Sat AM I pulled out the switch and the 220 panel in the boat. To get to this switch I must bend over the Genset and work against the port side hull. Not a comfortable position for a guy with a bum back. Once the switch was out....magic...everything worked....put the switch back...breaker trips..so I left it hanging while we went shopping. 1st stop was Sailorman....this is the premier boat junk store...had a hard time walking from the car into the store...wow...ouch...from there we went to West Marine to check on a new anchor...staff never heard of a Rocna. Well I found it on their website for them....I'm trying to put the purchase off till the end of the month so it goes into January's billing cycle. They only show 1 in the system...would have to pay for it now and then sail back to Ft Lauderdale to get it...Damn..so we will try to order in Marathon or Key West...Think that will work..

By this time the Capt is in a "percocet minute". The Capt screwed up by lifting that damn sail bag. Now paying for that and working on the switch At Home Depot we looked for a replacement breaker....nothing even resembled the damn "Frenchie" thing. They did have 5 gallon gas can on sale for 6 bucks...usually around 10-12 each...bought 6...that's all that would fit in Phil's car. Last yr I didn't have any jugs to put the $ .40 a gallon diesel in while in Margarita. Now I do...$2 bucks for the fuel, 6 bucks for the can...I'll have $8 bucks in 5 gallons....St Thomas fuel price now is approaching $4 a gallon....so I come out 3 free gallons for each of the 6 containers....By this time the car was full, so we went back to the boat unloaded...Joyce stowed the stuff while I lasered my backside....

Joyce suggested a walk..well there is a bar down by the 2nd bridge...so we walked down...hobbled might be a better term. Back to the boat..crashed early....me up at 3am...lasered till I fell asleep again.. Joyce let me sleep till 9AM....felt better...well some...attacked the switch...was able to strip back the insulation on 1 wire and get more of it in the clamp...I think that was the problem...not enough contact causing too much resistance and the breaker trips....everything now working...We waited for Phil to call about getting the car back...decided to go out and get 5 gal of dink gas and well 1 more trip to the supermarket....now ready to head south to Miami...just need the sails... Phil arrives about 3 for the car.....we will see them 1 day next week ...they are coming down for a day sail.

We then walked down to the other side of the river to take some pics of the boat....Joyce really wanted ice cream...Except for the sails...ready to escape this fishbowl. 

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul