The land of “dinky dinks” with “itsy bitsy” outboards, little goofy cars and great baguettes. The Frenchies just love these dinks…they pile 4 people into them and put across the anchorage. You can tell the French boats from all the rest. We have the nice 10-12 footers…15 hp on the back; theirs are 6-7 ft with 2 hp. The little Frenchie cars look like toys. We sailed up to Porte Petrie so Amel could work on my outhaul gearbox. Had to spend a night in the Marina….we filled up with water, batteries got a full charge; we got some wine and baguettes. We sailed back to the Saints on Friday. Internet is very fast, graboid working overtime downloading our TV shows. We moved to the front of the anchorage Sat AM after the morning rush….fewer chances of a charter boat dragging down on you.About 1pm this large black mega yacht anchors out behind the fleet. Huge thing…almost big enough to be a small cruise ship.
About 3 pm we sight the incredible sail on the horizon. Probably the tallest mast I have ever seen, way out of proportion to the boat…
she turned up into the wing to drop the huge mainsail…they had a guy up on the boom flaking the main as it came down.
I finally realize this is a J-boat. These were huge boats designed for the Americas Cup back in the 30’s….just interrupted by Joyce….the j Boat was leaving. Wow, the whole anchorage out on deck watching her leave. Go to this link to read more about this incredible sailboat.
After the J-Boat tied to her support ship we motored over to see this Amel that came in this afternoon. They had their dink up and davits. We have been searching for some that looked right. Most ruin the lines of the boat.
Miles and Lisa have been cruising for 10 yrs on their Amel, mostly in the Med. We went over for happy hour and compared war stories. Going to cut this short…..want to meet up with them at another anchorage.
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul