Much to my suprise...I WADED out to the back of this "prague", climbed in the ladder...and there were the tanks...propped up by the ribs...this was going to be our dive boat! Three 75 hp Yamaha's to get us the 18 miles to Los Frailes...
The clarity was horrible...but...I tried to forget about that and enjoy taking pictures....
This is a French Angelfish (Juvenile)....
Three-Rowed Sea Cucumber....there was another darker form that I saw quite a few of...and wasn't sure of what they looked like a lot of cow dung on the bottom of the I didn't take a picture of it...while I was trying to find out what this guy was...I saw what it was I was looking at...sorry no picture...but I will tell you it was a Donkey-Dung Sea Cucumber!!!
When it finally subsided ...a few more pictures....
Cocoa Damselfish (older Juvenile)...
A Shy Hamlet....
And a Blue-headed Wrasse...
Then back up to the boat...for the return trip on the "prague" dive boat! One of the 75 hp Yahama's would not start...they tried a few times on the crossing...once there I waded back to shore...and THOSE boats on the beach....
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul