Sunday, June 29, 2008

$$$$1 Dollar a Mile

Sunday June 29th 11:43 AM Motoring up the Bay....We spent last night at the Solomons...motored most of the way from Crisfield..winds have been light...typical summer days on the Bay. Supposed to have some wind this afternoon prior to a cold front coming through tonight. We expect some strong storms with this front so we want to get to Annapolis and get the hook down before it hits.
We took on $200 dollars worth of fuel this morning...44 gallons. We are now out of my Hugo .40 cent a gallon stuff and are now burning the $ 4.45 a gallon. Comes out to about a buck a mile instead of $ .10 cents a mile. Joyce is already tired of hearing the engine run. Sailing up the Bay i n the summer is tough...with the tides and currents it hard to make 40 miles we do more motor sailing. With the sails up and the engine at a fast idle we can doe 6+ knots. We have used the engine more in the last week than we did in the last 2 months. The Bay is almost empty of boats....the boating industry is hurting bad....fuel guy said they used to have 3 guys working...8 to 8 but now only 1 from 9 to 5 pm.. What power boats that do go out , go out and anchor. I'll let Joyce do the pictures later.......

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul