Time for some updates...
Yes, I guess it is about time! This first update takes us from when we left Guatemala (a month ago tomorrow) and because I'm pretty tired right now it'll end with us leaving Chattanooga (the end of June)...
Breakfast at Bruno's before heading to the bus station for the 10:30 am bus...
hanging out at the bus station in Fronteras...a look up...
and down the street...
I guess fitting that it rained! We transferred to a different bus near Morales...
and then tried to relax. Unfortunately there were small children (boys) on the bus that the parents were intent on ignoring and thus were allowing to run up and down the isles...the youngest puked into the isle two seats in front of me! It was surprising to see the father completely ignore the boy...and then move seats! The mother was decidedly indifferent as well after wiping him up only a little...then throwing the napkins that she had wiped him up with into the middle of the isle as well! Wow!! We got to the Guatemalan border after only about 45 minutes...checked out.
And yes, for everyone on the bus it took about 45 minutes (and yes, the first ones off the bus scuffed their feet through the puke...oh, how disgusting!) ...Luckily by the time I decided to exit the bus (Paul's cane got him the special privilege of not having to get off the bus), the mess (above) had been spread about by all the previous passengers and somewhat dried...then everyone got back on the bus and another 15 minutes...over the bridge to the Honduran border.
That took another hour to an hour and a half for all of the bus to check into Honduras as some people (seemed to be mostly young European backpackers) did not understand that you were to have EXACT change...the border agents do not give change! Thankfully, I did have the exact amount needed to check us both in. Now from those pictures...tell me which country has more money!!! Back into the bus and on to San Pedro Sula! Once in SPS we waited for our ride from the B&B that we were staying at. This took a little while to correct confusion. We were very glad we still had minutes on our Honduran phone and there was a very nice bus security guard that helped us! We did have to convince a rather persistant cab driver that we did not want to pay the $25.00 U.S. for him to take us to the B&B!
Once there, and bags secure, we decided to walk the four blocks to the biggest mall in SPS.
It was huge...maybe not as big as Bellevue Mall...but close...and just as fancy! Paul would have nothing of walking back...so we took a cab to a grocery store...had him wait for us and then take us back to our room. Our breakfast the next morning was small but nice...and our ride arrived to get us to the airport! To make a much longer story shorter...we had to be scanned...you know the new body picture taking thing...to get out of the Atlanta airport! Wow...just in May arriving in Seattle there was no such thing! Flying is becoming more difficult...that is for sure! A college friend of Paul's came and picked us up at the airport and took us to their beautiful home that night (Thank you Jeff and Sue)! Of course they had a wonderful time reminising about the old days! He drove us to Chattanooga the next morning with thoughts of us all getting together perhaps in the Carribbean soon! To the Hotel Capley...
Well, not really, but friends of Paul's that have nicknamed their home the "Hotel Capley" (Thank you Sonny and Kris)! Beautiful home on the river...and with a truck, borrowed from yet another friend (thank you Jimmy)...we began a very busy week!
Enjoyed our visit with Beth, Riley and Jake.
Then of course there had to be the BBQ at Matt's!
Such great smoked BBQ...
maybe need to have one more in the fall to be sure that it truly is the BEST BBQ I've ever had!
A day at the shooting range with Matt!
Even I got a shot in....
Didn't think about it until later...
But, I'll venture a guess that they are checking out my bullseye!! Ha! Dinner with friends after the range...
Beth and Jake made the very long trip to pick us up and take us back to the Atlanta airport (Thank you Beth)!
Then on to Seattle...Mt Rainier peaking above the clouds! A very fun week that truly was exhausting too!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul