Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Back to obamaland

Wed Feb 23 2010 6:55 PM Roatan Honduras..
Well I sit here buying silver on Ebay and getting ready to fly back to Atlanta this Saturday to go under the knife 1 more time....the damn cable goes out and NO FOX news..... how is one to know how much damage our community organizer has done to our country and the rest of the world and how that will effect the silver price on Ebay with no Fox news. With oil going over the $100 and silver both going higher...and the boob is worrying about the Wisconsin and other states who are trying to balance their budgets.....yes we need to break these public service unions...... our community organizer is worried how his buddies in the unions can keep their lavish benefits at on the backs of the private sector...ain't going to happen...He should be working on the US NATIONAL DEBT now over 14 trillion dollars....yep that is 45,607 dollars for every man woman and child in the US...Just think about the babies being born this week....they already have a 45,607 tax bill to support....and they won't be working for 18 yrs....who is going to pay the interest for your kids???? Since I'm not a's the rest of you still working......OK off the soap mobility sucks....hurt most of the day ...gravity in the morning sucks.... unless I wake up Mar 5th ready to run the marathon,...
..and praying this surgery is the magic bullet... it looks like the sailing might be over...a trawler on the horizon...????? So will have to spend the bucks to get this boat ready to sell...Labor cheaper down that should help...So lot's of decisions to make.....While I'm gone Joyces's Mom is flying down to spend a week on the boat...1 active 83 yr young lady........time to find something to watch off the computer...Capt Paul

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul