Sunday, May 1, 2011


Finally I got back UNDER the water!! Capt Paul has been continuing his rehab...but he says he's not quite ready to go under the water with am treating myself by going out on the Fantasy Island Dive boats for some dives! Really makes me appreciate you as my dive buddy, was a beautiful day...the winds had gone down...AND I just HAD to go! Very large Big dive buddies were three siblings from Texas that had been coming down to FI, diving together since '94.Gray Angelfish...we went to Gold Chain...a nice easy check-out dive for them since they had not been diving in a year, and a dive I hadn't done in over a year...Scrawled was a slow start as they got adjusted to going lost one of her pocket weights...but the Divemaster kept pressing the wall...I knew he was wanting to reach a certain destination...Conical Sea Cucumber...normally I just pass over Sea Cucumbers as they aren't very pretty...but this one was so unusual and when I looked him/her up it also states that they are uncommon in the a fun find! Beautiful wall here as well! And, then to what the divemaster was getting us to...a Seahorse! Only one here...seems the white one that was here a week ago has moved on! We turned around at this point and the school of Chubs came to visit! Yellow-line Arrow Crab on Corkscrew Anemone. To our three minute safety stop...and these baby Spotted Drums...! Definately enjoyed the dive...53 minutes...90 feet maximum depth and 1000 lbs of air left! And an update on Mizzen...she has graduated to the ORANGE potty chair...she can now look at and play in the toiler water...and the best news...although she gets a foot or two wet while getting herself situated she has figured out how to pee IN the toilet!! In a week or two she will hopefully graduate to the GREEN potty chair...yes, I will share that with you when it happens!! And, yes, she is still going on boat rides. Not every I write this...Capt Paul is trying to fix Herbie's wiring so he is more reliable to start. Hopefully, we will get back to her above the water experiences tomorrow...and I continue my underwater ones...

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul