Monday 7pm..Well we turned in the rental car...not before we again provisioned the already full stores aboard the Lady. We picked up the car for the weekend.(Enterprise 50% off for a 3 day weekend) and they come pick us up at the Marina. We bought food on Friday...again on Saturday..some on Sunday and finished up today with a major buy,,,We need to get away from the stores for a few months and eat down the fridges and stored food...Wonderful boneless leg of lamb on sale...had to get that since Matt and his girlfriend are coming down between Christmas and New Years. He only comes for a food fix...so stocking up on his favorites before he ships off to Iraq for 7 months...

Both freezers are packed
We had some of my mothers Tamale Pie for dinner last night...thanks Mom...took me a while to conjure up her wonderful recipe...but I think I did her justice...another for the book.

Honest..we have more food aboard then any other cruising boat around....more pickles,,, green olives....lamb, chicken, pork, corned beef...sausage....damn we could go for 6 months without a shopping spree....Joyce's idea is to have what we need where ever we need it...true there are things one cannot get or are way to expensive as you go down island....well Hellman's mayonnaise , pickles, Frito's, Triscuit, olives,Wheat Thins,Popcorn, certain spices. all stocked up on the Lady...none of that yucky island meat for us...only choice US beef chicken pork and lamb for us...there goes the diet.

Liquor Locker..Saving room for my Venezuelan Rum and Joyce's Samboozle...known to most of us as Sambucca.
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul