Split Crown Feather Duster on Dark Volcano Sponge....
I'm getting better at finding the things that you might just "pass over" because they are camouflaged and perfectly still! This is a Spotted Scorpionfish.....
And, better at finding some things that I find are unusual...this is Fragile Saucer Coral...
And then I decided to cross over the sandy bar to the other side (always keeping my dive buddies - in this case Paul and the divemaster in view - for those that worry about me)...and I'm going across the sandy bottom looking over to the rocky bottom to the right, and, yes, you can scream into a regulator...I was much closer to him when I first saw him...and I backpedaled sooooo fast...then when he just sat there....I took this picture...wow...sure scared me though....
Southern Stingray...although I really wanted to identify him as a Roughtail Stingray because of the spiny area on his upper tail ...and I would...but the book says they are absent in the Carribbean...so I'm back to Southern Stingray....this was a picture as I went back over the sandy bar to rejoin Paul and the divemaster to point out my "find"!!
Sand Tilefish.....
Sand Diver...being very still and hoping I wouldn't notice him....
And then he decides to get him to swim....and kids...don't try this at home!!!!
And AWAY he did swim (thank heaven) and I got a few really great shots...
Up, a short rest at Salt Whistle Bay on Mayreau and on to the second dive for the day...a wreck of a gunboat just off of this island. The first little guy I saw...well let's say...he saw me...was this Sergeant Major...these are called Blue males...as he was guarding eggs...and he kept darting straight at me then away...if he would have only stood still for the picture...I would have left him alone sooner!!!!
And this was a VERY lucky lobster....Paul couldn't bring him up as we were in a Marine Preserve....
And a couple of Blackbar Soldierfish....
Okay....that was a lot of pictures...hopefully you enjoyed...
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul