This is the Lighthouse where we went diving after Omar.
True shore dives...something I had not done until now...
Varigated Feather Dusters.
The difference of colors in the foreground with the strobe and in the strobe light...
Corkscrew anemone with Pederson Cleaning Shrimp....
Giant Sea Anemone among coral...

Banded Coral Shrimp...trying to hide inside Brain Coral...

Sea Pearl, Pederson Cleaning Shrimp and Corkscrew Anemone.
Giant Sea Anemone among coral..

Huge Green Moray Eel....

Another view of the Green Moray....
Spotted Drum...okay...he wasn't wanting his picture taken.
Scrawled Cowfish...
Huge Pufferfish...
Red Coral on the dock post...
White Spotted Filefish...
And, another Giant Sea Anemone....
It will be interesting when Paul and I go back down in February or March to see if the "snow" or sand that covered a lot of the coral after Omar is still there...and how much of the damaged coral and sponges have healed...Mother Nature...should make you think...
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul