Sunday, December 14, 2008

Internet on the Boat

Sunday Dec 14th 10:45 AST Tried to rest up yesterday. Checked on Stinky...started on the first pull...let him warm up to make sure all the moisture was out of his system. Did a few chores...nothing too... strenuous. Decided not to go in for I did see that we had a strong signal in the afternoon. It has taken me 2 hr last night a 3 this AM to get signed up. Not fast but can get through.
I had continued to push fluids last night. I was rewarded by a marked reduction in the pain at 3:30 AM....pain still there but was able to take a pee...1/2 beer....the pain is caused when the stone(can be the size of a grain of sand) blocks the flow of urine. Peeing usually means I will get through the day without any real pain. I think the whole thing started when I became dehydrated the previous 3 days. I drank some more water and was able to get back to sleep. I was up at 7 am trying to get onto the Internet. Had 3 pots of tea..yes Joyce 3 the batteries need charging Ha Ha... We need to remind the French that America invented the Internet and they need to stop trying to change the way the world uses it. They have a habit of going off and trying to re-invent, their phone's like going back to the crank telephones on the wall back at the turn of the century. About an hr ago I heard a knock on the hull...It was 2 Frenchies from the boat next door. Seems they were in Norfolk the same time we were. Nice couple...offered any help with the French. They had delivered a few Amels around the Med.Now...see ...they are not like my stereotype I usually fit all the French into.
It now lunch time..will try and get a sandwich out of my old baguette..if not will have to go in and get one. Will spend some serious time on the I have a lot to do...Later

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul