And, feeling pretty good! He will have more on that story later....He looks pretty happy?? Well, Herbie does start, and runs GREAT with the new prop. You just have to make sure you keep a wrench or screwdriver in the dingy...I can't explain what two bolts you have to touch together to get Herbie started...but I can tell you that after Paul showed me how...I CAN get him running too! be on the river again! We needed to run into town to buy groceries since we were totally out (the freezer was not working when we got back)! Paul was so excited to get in the dingy this morning he went first...and missed...feet first into the river...I thought he was changing the zincs he took so long to surface (I actually thought he had hit his head)!!! I started yelling for help and bless his heart (and thank you), John (one of our neighbors...Anne and John...on Living the Dream) was just about ready to jump in after him from the dock when up his head pops!! I climbed down into the dingy and got the dingy diving ladder out from the bow...and up he climbed! Dry shirt and off we went! Just another day on the river!
This is the bridge that brings you to the town of Fronteras from Guatemala City. We go under it to go to Reed's to pick up the BEST homemade bread in town!This view is from town down the river...the marina where Paul's boat way off in the distance...we try to make sure the river is calm before we go anywhere! Long rough dingy rides are still not the best for his back...
Welcome to the Rio Dulce sign and cayuco (what they call their canoes). These are still widely used on the river for fishing!
Bruno's...where we have had breakfast twice because the propane wasn't working (hard to believe but we've been back a week tomorrow)...but yesterday Paul finally got it fixed (sort of) and this morning we had OUR tea!!!
Monday morning hussle and bussel on the streets of Fronteras....I love the cows...Paul has noticed that just as many cows go one direction down the street as go the other direction...but only in the afternoon it is much too hot! Oh, did I mention it was hot here?? Inside the boat during the day...95 degrees. Thank heaven for the pool!
Delivery to the local grocery store...
Inside the only grocery store in Fronteras....
We buy our fruits and veggies on the street...we are back to drinking our papaya, banana, melon, orange juice, lemon juice and yogurt smoothies to keep us cool!!
And, these two young men were selling...well, I'm not sure if it was a fruit or just what it was...but Paul tried it first...and he was I tried it too...different tasting...and then chewy...
So I have to tell you...yesterday was my birthday! Paul took me out to breakfast (we shared one at Bruno's)...we relaxed in the pool...and then for dinner we ate at the marina...shrimp and pasta - really good. A lot of the cruisers were there at the resturant too..but I really didn't think much of it...until I told Paul that I was tired and going back to the minutes later...a chocolate BD cake brought out by the staff...and a round of HB to me!!! Oh heavens!! You would have had to have been there to know how old I am. Next year I've already decided that I'm going to say I'm 60 so everyone will say how YOUNG I look and I CAN'T be 60!!! Ha ha ha....So, anyway...pretty much it was a relaxing day for me... now to Paul's story....
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul