Denny's Beach, Lake Izabal, Guatemala
I posted those pictures (previous blog) for Paul quite a few days ago. So, yes, I was anxious for him to complete his blog on Guatemala so that I could continue to catch everyone up on what we have been doing. He has been preoccupied and I finally sat him down last evening to finish it. So now in an effort to catch up...I'm moving another shopping day in Puerto Barrios with Pam...
Yes, believe it or not we walked in the store and this man(iquen) was undressed...which goes right along with the goose/gander theme (another previous blog)! We had such fun in this store! I bought 3 dresses and one shirt for $35 Q...around $4.00 U.S. dollars! Pam got 3 outfits for $20 Q!
So back to the theme of this blog...Pam is from Texas and she and her husband owned a ranch. She is a farrier,and, well, you name it and this gal has probably done it around horses...including roping! She and some friends had gone horsebackriding a few times before and of course I was ready for a break from the boat so off we went to Denny's beach!
Pam enjoys taking pictures as much as I do...
So there will be some pictures of me...oh and this shirt that I'm wearing is one of our "finds" in Puerto Barrios...$5 Q...less than $1 U.S. dollar! Our guide is walking as Denny's son decided to join us so we rode (he walked) to his house and he got another horse to ride...
The guide and wrangler (I wish I could remember his name - he is so great with the horses and us) always brings an unsaddled horse for Pam...she brings her own saddle!
These horses are sooooo great! I remember riding trails with my girlfriends back home (Washington State - hello Diane) and each stream that we came to we wondered if it was going to be a struggle to get our horse through to the other side...not with these horses...what a joy to ride!!
And bless their hearts...these guys went through the river with no one leading them. The lead horse knew just where in the stream to turn so that the lumber would not hang up on the rocks and brush on shore!! Pam has a video of this!!
Going up the mountain the terrain is very rocky...
The horses pick their way through the rocks...notice the "hands-off" riding of's a trust thing...and a camera thing too.
Unbelivable trails that these horses manuever!
Another one...knowing his way and his job...carrying corn down from the fields...his owner was back behind him a little ways! It was funny...the owner stopped to talk to our guide...and this horse stopped and looked behind until the owner began walking again!
Kept going up along this very skinny trail...(this is our guide)........
The white gelding I was on was so careful and wonderful! A true trail horse...always watching...ears up and alert...
The mare Pam was on was a wonderful trail horse too...along the skinny trail...
Going through a gate (yes, that is the small camera in my hand!)
And...into some magnificently beautiful pasture lands....
Not just the pasture lands in this picture...look below...
If you don't have carry the corn up the hills...and then down the same path that we had just come up...
The fences are these trees...yes, there is still some wire strung across the "fence posts"...
Down we rode into the valley...
Lot's of beautiful cattle as well...
To the BAT CAVES!!
Then up another hill...and more beautiful countryside views!
The guide (on the left) lives in the small village that we pass of course he knows everyone...and we came across one of his friends on this very beautiful mule...and Pam on her cell phone!!!
The picture says it all...a four hour ride...
Back around to the lake view....
Through parts of the little village where it was lunch time....
These eagles were enjoying the day too!!!
Back to the lake...a small lunch...Pam's dingy (tender)...and back to the boat! Yes, I was a little sore...and a little more sore the next day...but oh, how much fun it was!! Thank you Pam!!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul