We took the Linea Dorado 3:00pm bus from Fronteras to Flores..........
The bus was a little late getting to Fronteras (Guatemalan time) so I amused myself with pictures of these cute kids!
We arrived in the dark...and took a taxi to Casazul (a 5 minute ride)...yes, the blue house! We had not made reservations so were quite pleased that they had a room for us! The next morning...we were both hungry...so walked the very quiet streets...looking for breakfast.
Looking down the street...
Looking up the street...
And, we found a nice hotel/restaurant overlooking the lake....
I patiently waited for breakfast to be served...and after we ate...
We walked up the hill to the town square...
I came across these two (zoom is soooo nice)...I'm guessing sister and brother...love...so reminded me of my kids together when they were little (and no one was looking)...
The view of the lake from on the hill...
You see, Flores is an island...so Paul went back to the hotel...and I walked around the WHOLE island...no applause...it's not that big!!
Some cute little girls....
I wandered into the stores...so more pictures...
These are table runners that are obviously hand made and sold all over Flores (and Guatemala - I had bought two in Antigua)....
Looking up the hill...
Looking up an alley.....
Looking out to the lake....
There's something about alley shots...
They are working on a cobblestone road all around the "beach" side of the island (there really is no beach...they have a cement bulkhead keeping the lake away from the new road..then the shops, restaurants, hotels...and they are re-doing the current main road that circles the island (also cobblestone - picture was on Paul's blog)...
We spent one night at Casazul...then made arrangements to take a bus to Tikal the next afternoon (pictures on next blog), spent one night at Tikal Inn, back to Casazul, and the following day trip to Yaxha (another blog to look forward to - ha ha ha)...when we got back I had requested the top floor...yes, more steps...but this wonderful patio that Paul absolutely loved!! In fact he wanted to stay longer than we did!!
We took this Tuk Tuk over to get our bus tickets back to Fronteras...see Paul is smiling in the mirror...that means he's having fun? Or was it a grimace...this guy went VERY FAST over some very rough terrain!!
After buying the return tickets, a taxi gave us the same price as the Tuk Tuk ($10 Q - $1.20 u.s....I guess some money was better than none) and as we were going over the causeway...I saw a guy selling oil paintings...so yes, I walked back over the causeway (after the taxi had dropped us off) and for $200 Q ($24.00 u.s.) I bought this oil painting!! Also...by the way...the dress I'm wearing was one from Puerto Barrios $5 Q (.60 u.s. cents)!
I love these boats...although this picture answers the question of wet feet a few blogs back? We walked back to Casazul...in fact this day Paul and I walked around the entire island...
We enjoyed our walk and our shopping...
Found these kids playing with each other...and the chicken...
She was chasing the little boy with the chicken...again...memories of my own kids...not that my oldest ever picked up one of our chickens...but there was the chasing...and there was the rooster that really liked chasing my youngest!
The view from the patio on the top floor! There was always a wonderful breeze. Paul really did like Flores... now on to Tikal...and Yaxha...
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul