Capt Paul was looking up cat stuff on the internet the other day...and found out that even if I taught Mizzen to scuba dive...she would not be the first cat to scuba dive.
She so enjoys looking at the pictures and loves to be on my, I probably won't take her to the next level!
Stan, his son, daughter in law and I did however go over to Coco View Wall the other day. Another great dive!
Queen Angelfish and Rock Beauty...
I think I've even made friends with my DSLR and strobe.
Stan's daughter-in-law looking on as his son had a flashlight....
and found this large Spotted Drum...
and then this large Big Eye too. I can see why Stan enjoys having him for a dive buddy...he finds the pictures...then it is just if WE can TAKE them!
This Yellowline Arrow Crab was eating some kind of fuzz...almost looks like cotton candy?
Stan going after a picture....
Stoplight Parrotfish munching on coral...
HUGE Lionfish...
Social Featherduster...
Branching Anemone between Star Coral and a Pederson Cleaning Shrimp...
Stan had his camera and sent this picture of me...he calls my timing bad because I was holding onto my reg...I mentioned it could have been HIS I was reaching to take the reg out of my mouth to SMILE for the picture! And, then today, we took one of the "real" dive boats out to Calvin's Crack...
over near Jonesville. I had heard that it is a wonderful of the best...and so I had decided weeks ago that it was one dive that I really wanted to go on! We joined the CROWD (19 divers not including the two divemasters) with another boat from a different dive resort with around 15 aboard following about 10 minutes behind!
This is Stan (farthest away) and his son (closest to me) going down "the" crack to 95 feet or so!
These tiny Goldface Toby's almost always move before I can get a picture...this one wasn't quite quick enough! We didn't stay along the wall for very long...
and then to the Longsnout Seahorses...these two were the first of five that live in the area!
A Shortfin Pipefish. We were bringing up the rear of the 19 divers...
this Longsnout Seahorse had already had a bunch of pictures taken...
and seemed not to bother about a few more...
this picture is to show how tiny they really are...
not always an easy find...
How beautiful are they!!! I sure had a great opportunity to get a few good pictures of one of them! Then one of the divers called me over to a cliff area..
and sure enough this Large Eye Toadfish came out from underneath...
probably thinking he/she was going to get a treat (at this point better trained than Mizzen...although Capt Paul is working on training her to come)!
Another Longsnout Seahorse...
The Divemaster had found and speared a Lionfish...the Yellowtail Snappers were staying away from the stinging spines (they will still sting I am told, even after they are dead) and eating what they could!
Banded Butterflyfish. So, yes, Calvin's Crack IS a fun dive! Just between us three...we definately decided that it is a dive site that could be explored for many tanks, many days, to weeks on end...there is so much to see! I ran out of bottom time before air...after a 54 minute dive....
Yes, Capt Pauls mobility has definately improved. Only a little in speed of movement, but his balance has gotten much better! His pain is reduced as well! Yesterday he went for a bit of a walk after LOTS of chores. He has found a young man, good with engines and systems that will do his list of chores for $50.00 a day! So while he needs to be on the boat to oversee...he is NOT having to do the bending, stretching and reaching that causes more pain! This makes all the little things that have been on the "to do list" so much easier for Paul to check off. Some of these things have been on the list for two years! Today, since the pool is still green...we plan to get him into the ocean for a bit of a swim! And, I, well I've been riding my bike, playing volleyball, getting wet, and going diving! One day Stan, his son (down from Canada with his wife for a visit), and I headed out for an easy dive to the wrecks.
It was so fun to dive with them...
watch them...
take photos of them...
each day there is something different to see!
From the Web Burrfish...
to the Green Moray...
to father/son communication...
to son kicking father (so now Lawrence you don't have to feel so bad...ha ha ha)...
it was an enjoyable dive! They invited me for a night dive as well...
which I jumped at since I hadn't been night diving since Bonaire (October 08?)! I actually decided to get the Olympus going even though it has not been as reliable as the smaller one.
I had never taken it night diving before and once I figured out how to get a shot...I was very pleased with the first attempt!
I can't believe I even got this Banded Coral Shrimp's eyes!
Sponge Brittle Star!
And, this guy, an Orange Featherstar Shrimp (as close as I can figure)...was not even what I was taking a picture of...just noticed him when I was reviewing the pictures on the computer!
a huge Yellowline Arrow Crab...
an Atlantic Thorny Oyster with bi-valve open...and a Broadsaddle Cardinalfish...
It really is beautiful under the water at night...there were HUGE Tuna feeding on all of the little critters out...they moved so fast there was no way I could get a picture of them! So while Capt Paul continues his assisted boat chores and PT...I continue to remind him (by example) where he would like to be again too...under the water!
Sunday March 27th 11:19am We (Mizzen and I ) have been back a week now. Joyce gave me last Sunday off to rest up after the trip down from Atlanta. Monday, I started off with my 4 wheeler and did a lap around the island. Tue, I was going to do the pool but it was green and being I finished the day with another lap around the island.....not a good idea...have been paying for it ever since. I am walking better...better balance, but still have back pain from the October surgery....getting there , just slowly.
The boat has been taken over by Mizzen. Cat toys everywhere. She has 2 speeds ....full speed ahead or sound asleep.
This kitten has ATDD attention toy deficit disorder.....she plays with 1 toy with 1 foot and another with her mouth and other foot.....eats like a horse....loves yogurt...and is now in control of the boat and it's owners.
We have after much deliberation decided to stay here (here being Roatan, Honduras) this hurricane season. As soon as we get stuff fixed and the boat cleaned up, we will put the Lady H up for sale. After the last surgery I can no longer look up to trim the will be easier to sell here than up the Rio. Direct flights from Atlanta or Houston for those interested buyers.....if we can find any in this market...thank you obama....Our neighbor, Jim and Norma are doing the same. They have bought a car and are applying for residency. I think we will do the same. After cruising the Caribbean for the last 30 yrs, I have not found any place that has what Roatan has....yes there are some more beautiful, but no stores or supplies. Some less expensive, but then nothing to spend your money on. The people are friendly, the Marina has a great social scene, something happening almost daily....and some of the best diving in the Caribbean....makes for a happy Joyce.
Cat is now need to do a few chores.