I want to get back to the "best intentions" idea too...just as a point of fact...we almost did not get out of the United States from the Atlanta airport. Capt Paul was going to blog on it...but he hasn't, so I will. Delta told us that Immigration would not allow us out of the country unless we had a return flight in 90 days. That is the longest Honduras will allow a tourist visa. This is the first time in our travels that this has happened to us. Not sure how many of you will see the irony in this? Now, United States Immigration...who cannot keep illegals from crossing the border INTO the United States is trying to mandate how a U.S. citizen LEAVES the U.S.? Yes, we explained we lived on a boat...showed her our passports that proved we were law-abiding U.S. citizens...that we had never overstayed our 90 days in any country that we have visited in the past...and we were still held up until the proper "authorities" told us that we could leave (had Capt Paul not been handicapped and been able to go to the front of every line we would have missed the flight)...but they warned us, that we may not be admitted into Honduras when we arrive. Suffice to say we never had a problem once here in Honduras and we are (obviously) back on the boat. I'm holding to my thoughts that the U.S. Immigration is working on best intentions...but truly...I would like a smaller less intrusive U.S. government that has it's priorities more in line with the Constitution!!
Well, darn...the wind is picking up...the rain has stopped...the dock lines are groaning and the boat has begun to heel just a little...maybe time for me to get off my soap box. Oh...and Mizzen is just fine...travelled well and is now trying to catch a fly that came in when I stuck my head out to look at the rain.
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul