You would think that I would have learned a lot of patience over the last four years living on a sail boat...well, heck, over my relatively short time of being alive (oh, that was fun to say and it was the word "relatively" that made it "work"...but I digress)! 
Seven hours the first day in the water...that was perseverance...then when patience kicked in...well...sometimes the easiest things are the hardest and the hardest are the easiest...and, woooo hoooo as some people might say, my girlfriend is now an Open Water Scuba Diver! And, yes, this is her woooo hoooo underwater!! 
The weather co-operated with us for three days...the fourth day we went out on the dive boat for two drift type dives and an all you can eat lunch at Hole in the Wall of beef and LOBSTER...
and finally the fifth day I caught a cold that she brought down with her! Now that I'm getting better...only a slight inconvenience...I really have to thank her for such a wonderful visit!
She helped to remind me that where I am and what I am doing is really pretty darn cool! It's not that I fact since Capt Paul has his boat for sale...I've been waking up every morning enjoying the warmth, the surroundings, and the day!
Lately, with the Northerly''s been pretty wet too ...but I do love it here! So, a proper thank my newest Open Water Scuba Diver buddy...for your visit...for your time...for your friendship...for your perseverance...for your patience! Abrazos girl!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul