I guess we haven't shared about Mizzen lately! If you talk to Capt Paul about her...she is the most beautiful, smartest, character filled cat he has ever known. Yes, she is ALL cat!! The fact that she is not a "lap cat", or a lovey dovey cat, he has grown to accept (well, sort-of). We laugh at her every day as she walks around, very heavy footed and so arrogant. Yet when we are gone from the boat she will wait near and then watch from the aft hatch as we get back on board...then run to greet us when we open the companionway hatch.
When we pay attention to her and love on her (and let's just say she is a very spoiled cat), she will purr...but not loud enough for you to hear it unless you put your ear on her side!
Her newest "trick" as she has grown larger (much larger) is to fit herself into the smallest cupboard there is. We cannot open one without her hearing, she comes running to see what we are doing, and then climbs into...not the two larger spaces...but the smallest space. Then she turns around and looks so pleased with herself! Early on in this "trick", when I hadn't seen her in awhile, I went searching for her. There were no meow's...but I was worried that maybe she could have gotten off the boat (she has once and thank heaven Spencer was here to help me corral her)! My search took me to the aft cabin...still no meow's...then finally since I kept calling her, she gave me her little "hmmmmm?". Capt Paul had gotten some shorts out...did not pay attention as she crawled in...and he closed the door. The good news is that it doesn't seem to have caused any long lasting damage to her...or, well, wait, maybe it did! Maybe that is why she now goes into the smallest cubbie hole, ALWAYS sticks her head out, and looks so pleased with herself? Yes, Capt Paul LOVES his 15 pound "kitty"!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul