Monday, May 11, 2015

Both Sides of the Sun....

I watched the sunrise yesterday morning sitting in the cockpit of the boat from Magnetic Island drinking my tea.  Right before it came up I thought I should run down and get my camera... but I didn't.  I sat there and watched... just watched as the tiniest little glow turned into a sliver then turned into a big red ball over the water.  This was my last morning on the boat, and second to last morning for this trip in Australia... Capt Paul didn't get his train ticket in time and had to book a flight for today instead.
I do have a lot of pictures to share... I still have some raw photos on the camera that I haven't had time to get saved or processed.  In due time I will.  I just wanted to thank Wayne again for the wonderful opportunity that both Capt Paul and I were able to enjoy.  Yes, I jumped ship for awhile... and the guys got a whole lot more done on the boat!  I, on the other hand got to see Australia from both sides of the sun!  Thank you Wayne!

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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul