Walking the trail again and looking up!
Yes, Anne, Phyllis and I are back to walking the trail...
It was laundry day for this house along the trail too...
It is a LONG walk...up and down the hills...we leave at 7:00am while it is still only in the mid 80's...humidity was high this morning though...and we do walk fast...
Then Paul and I went into town again...we needed bread, ice and bug stuff...yes, we have bugs!! Well, everybody down here has bugs on their boat...especially after being gone for awhile. One guy even has a few gecko's...he has less bugs than most! I want a gecko!
On our dingy rides now, Paul wants to see if by me being the designated driver his back will take the dingy rides better...he did pretty well with me driving...only once did he ask where I was going....
And, that was when I turned sharply and went into the middle of the river because Mike was rowing his dingy with one oar. He stopped rowing long enough to wave me down! His engine wasn't working and he was trying to paddle against the current in the HOT HOT sun! So we gave him a tow to his boat! Just another day on the river! Reminded me though of the times (thankfully not many times...but they did make an impression on me so I remember them well) when I was towing cars and trucks around Enumclaw streets, many, many years ago! I think I did better towing the dingy than I ever did the truck!
And, these little guys work hard!!! They are leaf cutter ants.
And, boy do they live up to their name! We watched these guys from the pool area strip a bush of all of it's leaves in less than 24 hours!!! I guess the heat doesn't bother them! And thankfully they stay OUT of the pool!
And to get away from bugs...well...I like these guys...
Can't get under the water right now...so the pictures you get are what I can find around here...
And, when I get tired of it all...and my feet are a bit tired like this afternnon...there is always the hammock, and looking up!
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul