Rainy day diving and motivation
Yes, it has been raining here in Paradise, albeit off and on since my mom left! Stan, Lawrence and I had made diving plans. We scraped them Wednesday due to the rain squalls (I think that is what we agreed on). Yesterday, the squalls were not as bad, but I was thinking about cancelling anyway and called Stan. On to the dive pictures...
We went to the wrecks...
the visability was so much better than just a few days ago on this dive...
Lawrence was having a lot more fun on this dive...and for those that notice such things...I promise the next dive we will secure their dangling instruments/octopus!
it was the one additional dive that Lawrence had wanted to make before he left...
leave it to Stan to find a new way around the stern of the ship...
With the better visability of course came the better colors on the pictures....
Always such fun to try to take a different view than I remember...
As long as it's been since we've enjoyed a lobster dinner...I'm sure even Capt Paul would have left this youngster alone...much too small...
Lawrence got a few good kicks in on his brother...does it make you wonder how they behaved as kids?
The bow of the ship...
Some beautiful fans and corals...
Yellow Line Arrow Crab and Peterson Cleaning Shrimp...
these Gray Angelfish were really not that concerned about us on the way back...and at our three minute safety stop...
only this one little Lionfish...good news too.
Now, I joke with them both about being Canuks. So I'm going out on a limb here and guessing political correctness ...well, it was never as big a deal in Canada as it was/has been in the U.S.?
because my motivation for this dive was, well, sufice to say that I was "strong armed" into going? And, yes, I believe a squall came through and it rained while we were diving. Bottom line, Stan, have I thanked you enough?
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Hey there...let us know what you think...Capt Paul