Al#2 and spent the night on the aft deck fearing the boat might roll. We were both wet and tired. The winds and seas are way down after they had crashed over the port rail all night.

Dec 9 9am CST Rio Dulce.
This was last Tue [Dec 1st] morning in Belize. It was a long night as the waves
rocked the boat on the reef all night. Al#2 and I spent the night aboard
to protect the boat against salvage ...looting by the locals. The Great
Escape had run on the reef late Monday...after taking us off..the
Belize government "detained" us for 2 days. Included a 50+ mph ride in
an open boat.....a real back killer...
Thieves of Belize.As you can guess things have been hectic around here for the last few days. The Great Escape and it's crew and guests have been the center of interest here on the river since we escaped from the Thieves of Belize. Many of the legal issues have not been sorted out yet...so a full accounting will have to wait. Joyce has had contact with the American Embassy as to the disapearnce of personal property while we were held by the Belize authorities....we will see. We are safe and sound...my back is slowly recovering from our 50 mph ride in an open boat with no seats or railings for support. Al heart condition which was triggered by the same boat ride has has improved. Al ,Pam, the 7 cats and Radar the dog have a new home they rented just out of town. Those of you that know me, or have followed the blog know my dislike of the eastern Caribbean black English islands. They received their independence from England in the 1970's. Since then, they have made sure that whitey knows they are now in charge. Corruption in their governments is rampant...damn...so is it back home in the US right now....well Belize is a ex British possession..yes black...and like the eastern islands just as corrupt.... its all about the money...get the money get the money get the money. It was all about how they could extort more money from the rich white American who happened to run up on one of their reefs and lose his million+ dollar boat If Al had not been an attorney that knew the law better than the clowns and crooks that were holding us...well we might still be there. So to all that read this...find another place to spend what dollars you have left after Obama takes his share, find other places to spend your vacation than Belize. ....We will not make the high tide tomorrow....so stuck here till the 29th..more as things get sorted out