2015 - A new adventure and opportunity ... three months aboard S/V Dances With Dragons with Wayne Harris
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Relaxing Day Hell!!!
Thur May 29th 1 pm And I was made to believe that this trip was going to be a vacation after our almost 3 week sprint up to Ft Lauderdale frome Margarita. Joyce seems to have each day planned out with some extensive physical activity. Yes we took the bus into Z (remember this means I have to walk all the way down to the street...yes maybe 87 steps but 2 very steep driveways before i get to the steps) I know...it's an eccentric exercise...which I do need...but the quads..what I have left do burn. We then boarded the Ixtapa bus complete with "Barker". Seems the drivers have these busses wired with CD players...they then play "their" music....LOUD. It's one way to hear a cross section of Mexican music. Joyce rented the bikes and we then headed to Playa Linda some 8 miles in the distance....more hills than Joyce remembers. We start at sea level then up the hills then down to sea level...of course back over the same hills. I was wooped. We then take the Playa Ropa bus back to the bottom of the moutain for the hike up to the CONDO. Yep...was first in the pool...I did have to rest up since we were going back down the steps and driveways to the beach and a 1/2 mile hike down the beach to the best Chili Renellos in Z. They were good...but I demanded a taxi back to the base of the 87 steps. View a few episotes of "Weeds"and called it a day.
Ixtapa to Playa Linda via bicycle
I guess if I would have told Paul that there were hills...perhaps he would not have ridden the entire 7 miles out to the surfer's beach on Playa Linda...and to my recollection there was only one bigger hill on the way out and then back up the hill on the way back. My recollection was not perfect...there are a few smaller ones that I had forgotten about! But the smaller one's Paul was able to ride up!!!
This trail rivals many trails in the U.S. that I have ridden bikes on...it is safe...kept clean...and winds through an ecological preserve...of course it is hotter here...
This guy was doing push-ups on the tree limb...I was at the top of the big hill and had a few minutes....
AND...we did make it back to Ixtapa...fourteen miles... okay, maybe fifteen. This was a new sight for Ixtapa....PLASTIC trees...
With our morning exercise completed....we took the bus back to Zihuatanejo where the trees are real! Now I'm sure Paul will blog on our his perspective of our wonderful, exciting yet relaxing day!! Guess who was first into the condo pool!!!???

Bus ride to Ixtapa
So we took the bus to Ixtapa for our bike ride...and I just had to...before I blog on our bike ride...tell on Paul! Here he is on the bus ignoring me....

Then being a brat to me....

And, finally I get the smile I was after...
Of course these guys are pretty common place down here...Okay...next blog...the bike ride - I promise! Then diving pictures....

Then being a brat to me....
And, finally I get the smile I was after...
Navy Presence in Z
Wow...never have I seen in my years here this kind of Navy presence in Zihuatanejo Bay. Morning picture from the condo.

And this one is the largest I have seen yet...and to have two of these in the harbor this morning...we had seen two of the smaller boats earlier this week!

I do hope all is for "show" and no one else has gotten hurt. When we were having lunch at the Inn at Manzanillo we met a great young man (the only young surfer - very sweet to put up with both Paul and my 20 plus questions each) who was on vacation for surfing but had not been in the water for two days at that time. I do hope all is well and his vacation was not spoiled!!! Mark...let us know!!
And this one is the largest I have seen yet...and to have two of these in the harbor this morning...we had seen two of the smaller boats earlier this week!
I do hope all is for "show" and no one else has gotten hurt. When we were having lunch at the Inn at Manzanillo we met a great young man (the only young surfer - very sweet to put up with both Paul and my 20 plus questions each) who was on vacation for surfing but had not been in the water for two days at that time. I do hope all is well and his vacation was not spoiled!!! Mark...let us know!!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Walk on La Ropa
Monday we went for a walk on Playa La Ropa, the beach that my condo looks down on...so here is a picture looking up from the beach to the condo!
This is looking south down the beach...it is off season for "gringos"...but this weekend was still a busy one with Mexicans.
And here we are at the Inn at Manzanillo Bay, Troncones. What a walk!!! And very interesting seeing all of the old(er) surfers...a great place to visit (if you are a surfer) but wouldn't want to live there! And actually now that there have been five shark attacks...two at Troncones, two at Playa Linda, and one a little north of Troncones......
It seems the surfers watch the Navy...while the Navy watches for sharks....
We did have a very nice lunch....a very nice ride back (I do enjoy practicing my espanol)...
AND tomorrow is bike riding up the cyclopista to Playa Linda...no swimming or surfing involved...
I do hope to catch up on our Z diving pictures...in the next couple of days...
I do hope to catch up on our Z diving pictures...in the next couple of days...
A side trip to Troncones
Tue May 27th 5:38 pm This AM we were up early to catch a bus downtown so we could bus up to Troncones. I had first heard of Troncones from my friend Starr who I used to work with at Chattanooga. Starr comes down here to surf several times a year. He suggested we check out this place he stays while surfing.
We took the .50 cent bus downtown arriving just in time to get the Troncones bus. Seems each bus comes with a "barker". He stands at the open door yelling out the buses destination as we drive down the crowded streets. The fare to go to Troncones was $6 bucks for the 1 1/2 hr ride through the Mexican countryside. Lots of poverty...but I must say these are a happy people. We were dropped off at a "country road" intersection.
Waiting there was another bus...well it has seats in the back. We boarded with 1 other Mexican lady and off we went. I commented to Joyce that I smelled brake fluid and hoped we were not going down any steep hills where the brakes might fail. She said no, it was a flat road, just as I sighted a steep hill sign. It's been a long time since i smelled brake fluid. Back in the 60's i rebuilt the brakes on my 1953 MD TD. Brakes in the US don't fail much any more. But we were in Mexico...no DOT to check the buses safety rating. The driver was able to stop the bus at the intersection by the beach. I suggested to Joyce to tip him so he could buy more brake fluid for the trip back. Starr said the Inn was at the north end of town so we started walking....and walking.....and walking....Joyce asked a local how much further...he says another 10 min....well not the way I walk. We finally arrive...must have been at least 2+ miles...dusty road and hot. We were met by Randall...kind of the manager...we ask if he knows Starr...yep....so we walk down to the beach to watch the sufers and replenish my fluids with a few cold beers. Troncones and the surrounding area has been on the US national news due to several shark attacks. The count was up to 4 and the Mexican navy was out patrolling trying to keep the tourstis happy. There were no surfers out...finally a young guy paddles out and catches a few waves. We chatted with this guy from Washington, he was a surfer and had not been out for 2 days...not sure he wanted to be shark bait. After about 45 min he paddles back in...he had a few great rides. Around the bend here come 3 old farts...50+ crowd. They paddle out to the point..fail to catch a wave..then a guy and girl ..I'd say late 40's paddle out and for the next 30 min they all try and fail to catch a wave...they paddle back and up the beach they go. So now I have the real story about Starr's mexican surfing place. It's for a bunch of burnt out hippies that come down here several times a year...drink a bunch of beer and then tell everyone they are big time surfers....Yea right Starr. We had a delightful lunch and since none of these old farts coul,d surf we headed back. The sun was now hotter and the road dustier. This old fart was dragging after about a mile. A young Mexican stops and askes if we want a ride....damn right I did. He and Joyce babble in Spanish...he ends up taking us all the way back to Ixtapa...too cool...you don't see that happen in the Caribbean. We catch a bus to Z..stop at the Walmart...yep they have them down here and a cab back to the condo...1 long day for this old fart...and this was supposed to be vacation....I will leave the pics to Joyce..
We took the .50 cent bus downtown arriving just in time to get the Troncones bus. Seems each bus comes with a "barker". He stands at the open door yelling out the buses destination as we drive down the crowded streets. The fare to go to Troncones was $6 bucks for the 1 1/2 hr ride through the Mexican countryside. Lots of poverty...but I must say these are a happy people. We were dropped off at a "country road" intersection.
Waiting there was another bus...well it has seats in the back. We boarded with 1 other Mexican lady and off we went. I commented to Joyce that I smelled brake fluid and hoped we were not going down any steep hills where the brakes might fail. She said no, it was a flat road, just as I sighted a steep hill sign. It's been a long time since i smelled brake fluid. Back in the 60's i rebuilt the brakes on my 1953 MD TD. Brakes in the US don't fail much any more. But we were in Mexico...no DOT to check the buses safety rating. The driver was able to stop the bus at the intersection by the beach. I suggested to Joyce to tip him so he could buy more brake fluid for the trip back. Starr said the Inn was at the north end of town so we started walking....and walking.....and walking....Joyce asked a local how much further...he says another 10 min....well not the way I walk. We finally arrive...must have been at least 2+ miles...dusty road and hot. We were met by Randall...kind of the manager...we ask if he knows Starr...yep....so we walk down to the beach to watch the sufers and replenish my fluids with a few cold beers. Troncones and the surrounding area has been on the US national news due to several shark attacks. The count was up to 4 and the Mexican navy was out patrolling trying to keep the tourstis happy. There were no surfers out...finally a young guy paddles out and catches a few waves. We chatted with this guy from Washington, he was a surfer and had not been out for 2 days...not sure he wanted to be shark bait. After about 45 min he paddles back in...he had a few great rides. Around the bend here come 3 old farts...50+ crowd. They paddle out to the point..fail to catch a wave..then a guy and girl ..I'd say late 40's paddle out and for the next 30 min they all try and fail to catch a wave...they paddle back and up the beach they go. So now I have the real story about Starr's mexican surfing place. It's for a bunch of burnt out hippies that come down here several times a year...drink a bunch of beer and then tell everyone they are big time surfers....Yea right Starr. We had a delightful lunch and since none of these old farts coul,d surf we headed back. The sun was now hotter and the road dustier. This old fart was dragging after about a mile. A young Mexican stops and askes if we want a ride....damn right I did. He and Joyce babble in Spanish...he ends up taking us all the way back to Ixtapa...too cool...you don't see that happen in the Caribbean. We catch a bus to Z..stop at the Walmart...yep they have them down here and a cab back to the condo...1 long day for this old fart...and this was supposed to be vacation....I will leave the pics to Joyce..
Thursday, May 22, 2008
2000 steps
Thursday morning - May 22nd.
So 2000 steps IS a bit of a stretch...only 83 to be exact (I think...I'm taking a friend's word for that). But where else in the world can you get this view (and be warm) with ONLY 83 steps???? This picture is taken from the patio.

My friends are taking wonderful care of my condo...and thanks to them for arranging housesitting during this time (so Paul and I can stay here) AND for their music! We are enjoying! This picture is from the kitchen to the living room. Up the steps is the bedroom.
This view is from the bedroom. And yes, I did laugh when I heard this CRASH from the desk area in the bedroom and I ran up to see Paul still sitting half in the chair on the floor...BUT ONLY AFTER...I knew he was alright and he was standing again!!! I now have one of the kitchen chairs up at the computer...sturdier I'm hoping!!!
We relaxed all day yesterday, in the condo and in the pool. Pozole tonight with friends and diving Friday morning!
So 2000 steps IS a bit of a stretch...only 83 to be exact (I think...I'm taking a friend's word for that). But where else in the world can you get this view (and be warm) with ONLY 83 steps???? This picture is taken from the patio.
My friends are taking wonderful care of my condo...and thanks to them for arranging housesitting during this time (so Paul and I can stay here) AND for their music! We are enjoying! This picture is from the kitchen to the living room. Up the steps is the bedroom.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Hello from Z
Wed May 21 7:45 pm. We were up early yesterday to catch our 8:30 flight to Mexico. Joyce's condo is on the hillside about 2000 steps up. Ann and Stewart picked us up at the airport for the short drive back to the condo. Nick and Nancy who had been staying at Joyce's condo had made plans to house sit a friends place while we are here. Really cool place...million dollar view..very cute. Of the 4 units, we are the only ones here as this is the end of the season. We crashed last night after a long day. My left knee was protesting my 2 bike crashes and the 2 hikes up the 2000 steps. We decided to have a do nothing day...just sat around...made use of Nancy and Nick's extensive CD collection...we have now copied 50-60 music CD's for the boat collection. Started Graboid to catch up on our TV series. Joyce had one of those plastic garden chairs at the computer...about 4:30 pm...the damn thing decided to disintegrate dropping my ass on the floor for the 3rd hard crash in 3 days. Joyce had a good laugh at my expense. I worked out in the pool for about 20 minutes...will try and do this daily as my poor left knee needs some help...especially with the 2000 steps to get in or out of here. I will let Joyce do the picture thing and fill you in on the rest of the details.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Aground again..what else is new!!!
Monday May 19 7:50 pm Ft Lauderdale Well after 19days and almost 1500+ miles we tried to beat the outgoing tide and ran the Lady onto a sand bar at the entrance of Lake Sylvia in Ft Lauderdale. Except for 2 days in St Croix and 2 1/2 days in St Thomas and 3 in the Turks and Caicos we have been at sea sailing hard. Some serious miles under the keel. So we dropped the hook , put the dink in the water and headed ashore. After a few beers and some fresh food stuff we got back to the boat in time to let the tide float us so we could go in and anchor. The sail north has been great. We have only used the engine for 37 hours since we left Margarita. We still have 2/3 + of our 40 cent diesel. With diesel now at almost $ 5 dollars a gallon my tolerance to when I turn the key to start the engine has dropped to 4 knts...3.5 if we are not trying to make port before dark. Thats only 75 to 100 miles a day...far from our 200 mile day after leaving Margarita. It usually takes 3 or more days before we get settled in to a rotuine while making passages. After dinner Joyce usually crashes about 7 pm...I try and make it till midnight...Joyce can usually make it till 4:30 to 5 am and so on...we were doing pretty good on this schedule. We did have a few days where we did have to start the stinkpot. One night I left Joyce with the engine running only to awake noiseless and the boat doing 6-7 knots...the lady can now set and trim out the sail....must be the teacher :):):)...she is getting good. We have spent the last few days biking and running errands. I have had two bike crashes and now sport some new wounds..and wounded pride... we leave tomorrow for Mexico..leaving the boat here at the City Marina in Ft Lauderdale. We really need a few days of down time....doing nothing and sleeping...well maybe some drinking would help....remember the Capt's rule...no booze till the hooks down...and it has not been down much lately. Looking forward to resting up down at Joyce's place in Z over the next 10 days....more from there..
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Caicos Dive and Lake Sylvia
Just a final few pictures from our last Caicos dive...another wall dive and Paul actually got to 98 feet!!! This is again looking down the wall....
This is a Princess Parrotfish (initial phase)...it was just relaxing in this position above the coral until I got too close...
Another looking down the wall...with a Yellow-tail Snapper...
Queen Angelfish and French Grunt...
Another Queen Angelfish....
And on this dive Paul and I practiced some of our scuba safety. On the way up and through our 3 minute safety stop at 15 feet, he used my octopus...while we were waiting the 3 minutes...under us went this Spotted Eagle Ray...
Having had our fun....off we sailed…destination Fort Lauderdale…Paul can fill you in on the particulars of the sail when he finally gets rested…I just wanted to share one last picture, well, two pictures actually. The Lady H safely in Lake Sylvia, Fort Lauderdale, Florida….
Well, okay…maybe not completely IN Lake Sylvia…more like blocking the entrance to the Lake….note the water-line…good thing the Lady H has a winged keel…look how great she can “stand” on sand!!! And, oh, what a clean bottom!!!!
Diving South Caicos
We so enjoyed the first two dives and Greg was such a great Dive master that he made arrangements for us to take a third dive, albeit at 7:30 the next morning because his boat was full for the 9:00 dive and he was pulling his boat out and returning to the States for a month or two after that. Another stroke of luck…and this time I will say that the pictures somehow do not give the diving here its justice. But, you know…I still took the pictures…and I will share them with you…The very first sight as we got into the water....

These two Queen Angelfish are the reason that I got to 116 feet....
This is a view down the "wall"...from 90 feet (where we were) to 1000 feet (we didn't go there)!!!
This was a first....Hogfish...
This is the Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber...just thought you all would want to see this...
This is Paul and the Dive master, Greg....guess which one looks like the tank is leaking!!! Oh, yes, it is the great lung capacity of Paul!!!
Lots of Horse-eyed Jacks...
Also lots of Black Durgon...but hard to get a good shot!
Very large Ray...
A look down the "wall"....
Staghorn Coral...
Indigo Hamlet...
Whitespotted Filefish (Orange Phase)...
Another Whitespotted Filefish...
Nassau Grouper...Paul says they are rare in the Bahamas because of over fishing...
Ocean Triggerfish...they swim so funny that getting a good shot is very difficult...
Another Ocean Triggerfish....they seem to "flop" from side to side...
Convoluted Barrel Sponge...
And...if only I could identify all of this beautiful stuff...
One of my favorites...Honeycomb Cowfish
A couple of firsts...Pederson Cleaner Shrimp and Corkscrew Anemome...
The Wall.....

Gray Angelfish....
Paul and Greg along the wall...91 feet...
Black Baracuda...I so wanted to go down to visit him...but this was our second dive and I had already gone down to 116 feet on the first...so I was good and only went to 82 feet on my second dive...

The second dive was an airplace wreck...a drug running plane...this is looking inside one of the windows...Grooved Brain Coral and Leathery Barrel Sponge....
These two Queen Angelfish are the reason that I got to 116 feet....
The second dive was an airplace wreck...a drug running plane...this is looking inside one of the windows...Grooved Brain Coral and Leathery Barrel Sponge....
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