Tue May 31st 8:13pm
Seems Joyce has been on that soapbox for the last week....she leaves out a lot of details.....that the violators are the stupid French. We keep talking about the Marina up the Rio, no dogs, no kids and NO FRENCH. The reasons are many but for sure the most hated race in the Caribbean are the frogs, from plain rudeness, to violations of local laws and general laws of nature and social grace.. Yea, I know I live on a french boat....but I'm slowly replacing most of the stupid parts with non french replacements.
It's getting real quiet around here...Jim and Norma left on Sat, left us with the car....wow....we will be trading them the keys on the 18th as we fly out on the plane they fly in on. Joyce has found some new dive buddies....diving daily....I'm hitting the pool....rehab is slow...getting low on a few meds....Mizzen is now 16 weeks old....bigger than any cat I have ever had...talk about spoiled.....getting ready to go to the green, the last ring of her pee and poop thing in the head. Then we will have no use for kitty litter, she will use the head just like us....we have to flush for her My goal is to take her into the head on the plane on the flight back....ought to be a first....
The A/C is keeping up...would be hell without the A/C and the sunshade....Found a local guy to fix the a/c in the back.....expensive but good.....It's 75.9 deg down here right now....Joyce has a blanket over her...Mizzen and I are just fine....Joyce getting tired...Mizzen gets her up about 1st light.....no french in the anchorage....tomorrow will be a nice day......time for FOX News...must keep up to what our stupid community organizer is doing, like giving 20 billion of our tax dollars to the Arab Spring taking place in the mid-east. The Islamic Brotherhood has ties to the public unions (SEIU)here in the US Remember we have to borrow that 20 billion probably from China, since we are broke....and we have to pay back .40 cents of each one of those 20 billion dollars as interest on the debt.that we are passing on to our kids and grand kids...really makes sense to help all those potential suicide bombers get organized Update.......just voted NOT to raise the debt limit....it will be a nice say tomorrow........Capt Paul
2015 - A new adventure and opportunity ... three months aboard S/V Dances With Dragons with Wayne Harris
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Soapbox opportunity that is…
I read and liked on fb the other day…a friend’s comment…a quote with the moral of it being that life (in general) is about you and God anyway…not about you and anyone else. I did like that and appreciated her posting that quote from Mother Teresa! A few days ago, I met and went diving with a couple from Houston. They told me of their previous weeks diving and how they had seen a woman diving that was damaging the coral and fans with her lack of…hmmm…not sure if it could be lack of training or just having enough experience to be taking pictures. I was heartened by his tale of how he confronted her privately on the boat and mentioned that it might be good for her and the environment if she took a buoyancy class. On one of their next dives together he saw her grabbing a coral head (while trying to take a picture) and he went up and removed her hand. Of course once up on the boat the woman gave him a talking too...and he reiterated that she should take a buoyancy class as coral is damaged by the slightest touch. Then, yesterday, I saw on fb a mother saying that she was enjoying watching her 4 year old son torture the cat. Yes, to all my cat friends… something about the word torture rather than play… I commented…my comment was something like …is there a dislike button, it should never be an excuse that “boys will be boys”, it is about teaching respect. Immediately there was a response from the mother that it was said to be funny (really, torture funny?). The mother of this four year old is pregnant with her second child and still unmarried…not sure if that means anything…just an observation. Then, some of her friends responded about torture and killing the cat…the mother then responded that the cat had had a heart attack…no one could prove otherwise…and, at that point I had had enough…I de-friended her! Don’t know what was true about the cat and what was supposed to be funny!
Now, I’ll say that I generally do like fb…but as I have heard from so many (Capt Paul being one) fb lends itself to people saying things that should not be said…which leads to my dilemma…is she a good mother who just used a strong word in her desire to be funny? And, then...should I have even commented? I am no Mother Teresa. I have always let my opinions be known as respectfully as possible (just ask my kids or Capt Paul). So rather than be saddened by what I hope is a few…I am and will be encouraged, reassured, and strengthened…by my family…by my extended family… by some divers that are not only responsible, but pro-active…and, by the words of Mother Teresa…
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Mizzen's Seahorse...and short addition to my soap box
Of course I had to buy her one...
I actually bought it on one of the visits that Stan and I had to a dive shop...and I adapted it just for her by sewing the red rattle ball in the tail! One of her favorite toys and we already have decided we will be traveling with it for her! Yes, one spoiled kitty!
We hadn't taken her out in the boat for a week or so, and when we did she decided to complain a little. Awww...she is so cute! And, a short update on the Frenchman (previous blog). I ran into him at the dive center the next day. I mentioned to him that I had blogged on our conversation of the previous day. He then tried to explain that he had been arrested in New York...I was in a rush so didn't dally to hear his excuses on that ...but I did mention quickly to him that we are in Honduras now and I do hope that he will respect the Honduran laws! I've done my good deed for the protection of the Roatan reefs! Even if he breaks the law here (all of Roatan is a Marine Park) maybe he will remember me when he does it (what an awful thought)...ha ha ha!

Saturday, May 21, 2011
The good and the soap box....
Usually I reserve the soap box for Capt Paul...he enjoys it! I don't necessarily...but I feel I need to get this out to the universe! Yesterday as I walked off the boat and onto the dock there was a small statured man about my age with a BCD (scuba diving acronym for Buoyancy Compensation Device) in his hands. I thought...'ah a fellow diver' greeted him plesantly and then asked if he was going diving. He had a strong accent and replied that he had been scuba diving in the San Blas and that it was beautiful there. Having been in the San Blas last year and knowing that it was against Kuna Yala law to scuba dive in their islands, I mentioned that if he had gone scuba diving in the San Blas he had violated their law. He acknowledged that he had read that...but no...he went scuba diving anyway! I reinterated to him that he had disrespected Kuna Yala people in his decision to violate their law. He turned bright red, turned and walked away mumbling something about my being an American. Now, yes, hindsight being 20/20...I could have not said anything. Certainly I was not envisioning what I had hoped would be a pleasant scuba diving conversation turning into the Frenchman walking away being embarrassed (or angry?) over our conversation. Based on his last mumblings...I guess I should be pleased that Americans are (and I would imagine this is generally) seen as respecting laws...including other countries laws. And, actually I'm glad I called him out on his illegal ways...maybe it is time we (a very general we here) confront and expose those who talk about and behave in these manners. When we were in the San Blas last year I remember on the cruisers net there were mentions of some cruisers (on this blog I will refrain from commenting on their nationality...but on the cruisers net they did acknowledge what country they were from) visiting the Kuna Yala islands basically looting the environment by their actions and that a general "we" should remind them of their place. Well consider it done...a year late! Looting of any kind should be confronted, exposed and is not a joke!
Okay...a smile here (my kids will understand...i.e., I'm off the soap box). And, to a lighter note...remember when I mentioned the salsa dive boat? Well, on that day I met a wonderful Uruguay couple...she speaks English a little...and when I was not diving I had a wonderful time talking with her. Anyway they were drinking tea out of a gourd covered in leather with a medal type straw! Being the loose leaf tea drinker that I am...I found this cup wonderful...different...beautiful...and asked if she knew of a website so that I could buy one online! Their dive group is flying out this morning and last night to my surprise...she and her husband GAVE me their gourd (cup) and bombilla (straw)! What a BEAUTIFUL gift! I have since gotten online and seen the traditions associated with this gourd and bombilla! Yerba Mate, the tea traditionally used in these gourd's, is the national drink of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. It is now ordered and on it's way to my mom's house! When we get there in June we will give it a try!! Life is good...
Okay...a smile here (my kids will understand...i.e., I'm off the soap box). And, to a lighter note...remember when I mentioned the salsa dive boat? Well, on that day I met a wonderful Uruguay couple...she speaks English a little...and when I was not diving I had a wonderful time talking with her. Anyway they were drinking tea out of a gourd covered in leather with a medal type straw! Being the loose leaf tea drinker that I am...I found this cup wonderful...different...beautiful...and asked if she knew of a website so that I could buy one online! Their dive group is flying out this morning and last night to my surprise...she and her husband GAVE me their gourd (cup) and bombilla (straw)! What a BEAUTIFUL gift! I have since gotten online and seen the traditions associated with this gourd and bombilla! Yerba Mate, the tea traditionally used in these gourd's, is the national drink of Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. It is now ordered and on it's way to my mom's house! When we get there in June we will give it a try!! Life is good...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Still had pictures underwater
Wed May 18th 8:47am
Well I have been giving the Admiral hell for taking too many underwater pictures on the blog....there are other things happening her on Roatan. So what does she post on her last post....a picture of Hugo's bottom....yes it needs cleaning....Joyce went on a 2 tank dive down at the West end on one of the Fantasy Islands boats (she was gone all day.) I had good intentions about getting some things done while she was gone. Started the generator, need this because the dishwasher and washing machine both need 50 hz.....damn frenchie thing. Was settling down watching Fox news( we fixed the cable and now get 60 channels.(55 in Spanish) Jim , friend and Dock-master knocks on the hull saying we are heeling to port....am I taking on water.......I check the engine room...nope....then we realize the wind has shifted to the west.....almost never happens.....so we adjust some lines and decided to move the boat today (we just finished ...now cooling off with a beer) Just as Jim and I finished the generator shut down.....damn....not the water pump impeller....checked things....out of fuel....have had some diesel fuel in the water from time to time, blamed it on the dive boats.....well not sure now.....don't have a drop in the tank...checked it with the dip stick....so now have to get some fuel to finish the wash....and see if indeed we are are the leaker.....we have been using the washer and dishwasher ever day or so ....could have use it all up.....have not been checking ...my fault....Was able to get the fridge light to work.....switch failed 2 months ago.....tried to fix......so now we know "Does the light stay on when you shut the fridge door?" Answer...YES this on stays on.
We have been going out to dinner with Jim and Norma every Sunday to a sports bar......over 100 steps to get up there....and the same amount down after a few beers....elevator is broken...we decided to go to a different (pricier) place this last Sunday. A couple that had just came in the day before after a nasty trip from Mexico....so bad everything aboard was wet.. They sent everything out with Steven the laundry guy and took a room at the hotel.We invited them along for dinner. Seems the restaurant was one of the more $$$$ on the island. A good time was had by all, except when the bill came Cici and Cyrus broke all the cruiser rules and insisted on picking up the bill...a big no no in the cruising world. So Monday I made PIZZA for all.....not to be out done Cici cooked ravioli with pesto and a Caesar salad....outstanding....they are flying home today....will miss them..
Mizzen.is now 4 months old...supposed to e a kitten, but bigger than most cats I have ever had. She doing well on her potty training. She is on the orange ring...just have the green to go and we will have a cat that uses the head rather than the litter box. Pretty cool....
Joyce did not go diving today so no pictures for now.
Well I have been giving the Admiral hell for taking too many underwater pictures on the blog....there are other things happening her on Roatan. So what does she post on her last post....a picture of Hugo's bottom....yes it needs cleaning....Joyce went on a 2 tank dive down at the West end on one of the Fantasy Islands boats (she was gone all day.) I had good intentions about getting some things done while she was gone. Started the generator, need this because the dishwasher and washing machine both need 50 hz.....damn frenchie thing. Was settling down watching Fox news( we fixed the cable and now get 60 channels.(55 in Spanish) Jim , friend and Dock-master knocks on the hull saying we are heeling to port....am I taking on water.......I check the engine room...nope....then we realize the wind has shifted to the west.....almost never happens.....so we adjust some lines and decided to move the boat today (we just finished ...now cooling off with a beer) Just as Jim and I finished the generator shut down.....damn....not the water pump impeller....checked things....out of fuel....have had some diesel fuel in the water from time to time, blamed it on the dive boats.....well not sure now.....don't have a drop in the tank...checked it with the dip stick....so now have to get some fuel to finish the wash....and see if indeed we are are the leaker.....we have been using the washer and dishwasher ever day or so ....could have use it all up.....have not been checking ...my fault....Was able to get the fridge light to work.....switch failed 2 months ago.....tried to fix......so now we know "Does the light stay on when you shut the fridge door?" Answer...YES this on stays on.
We have been going out to dinner with Jim and Norma every Sunday to a sports bar......over 100 steps to get up there....and the same amount down after a few beers....elevator is broken...we decided to go to a different (pricier) place this last Sunday. A couple that had just came in the day before after a nasty trip from Mexico....so bad everything aboard was wet.. They sent everything out with Steven the laundry guy and took a room at the hotel.We invited them along for dinner. Seems the restaurant was one of the more $$$$ on the island. A good time was had by all, except when the bill came Cici and Cyrus broke all the cruiser rules and insisted on picking up the bill...a big no no in the cruising world. So Monday I made PIZZA for all.....not to be out done Cici cooked ravioli with pesto and a Caesar salad....outstanding....they are flying home today....will miss them..
Mizzen.is now 4 months old...supposed to e a kitten, but bigger than most cats I have ever had. She doing well on her potty training. She is on the orange ring...just have the green to go and we will have a cat that uses the head rather than the litter box. Pretty cool....
Joyce did not go diving today so no pictures for now.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Seems to Capt Paul that I have reached scuba dive picture saturation on the blog...I'll respect his opinion even though I could go on and on and on, especially today because I went on two dives to the West End...but I won't. So picture in your mind...21 dive buddies from Uruguay (actually quite fun...think Salsa on a dive boat)...a large wreck at 100 feet...a Green Moray...a couple of turtles and beautiful coral! I do have to include a few pictures though...
this is Ben and Tutty and I just love the umbrella! I'm thinking this is such a great idea!
And this is the bottom of Hugo...our own garden!
I have an idea...for me...no more underwater pictures posted on the blog until September...for him...putting the two above pictures together...we get an umbrella for Hugo!! Want to take bet's on if he'll reconsider his thoughts of underwater picture saturation?

Friday, May 13, 2011
My favorite color....
![]() |
Queen Triggerfish |
The Blogger has been down for a few days...and, now there is a new format that might take a little while for me to get use to...so please bear with me. Even though I haven't gone diving since Mother's Day I thought I could/would at least update the blog on four of the great dives that I had enjoyed before. I took the Fantasy Island dive boat for the first three dives...when I first started going diving with them I had commented to Nelson that I really wanted to find a yellow Seahorse...and as you could see on previous blogs...a Seahorse or two...but no yellow ones. I'll also say that I left the Olympus DSLR back in Seattle, the room in the carry on instead was used for smoked salmon for Capt Paul. I had the Canon, and thought that I really wouldn't miss the Olympus...well I was wrong! So while there are pictures I'm not thinking they are the best...ahhhh...but that just means that I'll have to keep diving when we get back with my better camera to try to get just the right shots...difficult...but somebody has to do it! Anyway back to the first of the four dives...to Pirates Point...a beautiful dive...abundant fans and corals...Banded Coral Shrimp...a Nassau Grouper that traveled with us on the dive...a turtle (finally)...and a White Spotted Filefish (Orange Phase)...yep...pictures...but not in the right order...and can't fix them!!
So this might be more difficult than I had originally thought...not sure I like the blogger changes...but moving on to the second dive to Calvins Crack again (see a previous blog diving with Stan and son). It seems a lot of the Seahorses had moved on...or hidden better...can't say as I blame them with all the pictures being taken of them...Pillar Coral...bubbles coming out the top of the crack 45 feet or so...then leaving the crack at 85 plus feet (I took a video of the gentleman in front of me...originally from Europe...as he stirred up the sand in front of me with his fins...something the divemaster had specifically reminded the divers NOT to do...Padi...interested in a DO NOT DO THIS video?...but can't figure out how to upload it here!!) To the wall...onto the plateau again and the only little critter to be found this day...oh, except for the Toadfish...who would only show his face!
To the Half Moon Bay dive site...and as of right now I'll say one of my favorite dive sites...
Juvenile Spotted Drum...A gorgeous striped Seahorse...
Pederson Cleaning Shrimp...
And, then there he/she was...my favorite color...I took a few pictures then swam away to give the other divers a look and picture opportunity...then the divemaster moved on...but the group of five (European guys) stayed on with this beautiful creature...and disturbed him into moving...sometimes I really dislike divers!!!
Yellow-line Arrow Crab inside sponge...
A Grey Angelfish that wanted it's picture taken....
And, on our return...he/she had found a different spot...and the best news...the 5 guys were too far back to see we had stopped again for only a moment so they missed him/her on their return!
I really want to find out more about them now...they are so beautiful!!
To our 3 minute safety stop that took 10 minutes or so...and this Greater Soapfish...very unusual find!!
And through some of the open crevices...So those were the three with the Dive boat...then Ellen (s/v Patience) and I went diving to Mr Bud...
Along the wall...
Giant Barrel Sponge and Sea Fans...
Yellow Pencil Coral...
A very curious French Angelfish....
The pilothouse of this sunken ship was obviously HIS/HERS...
And, I missed this entirely on the first dive to the wreck...
Ellen having some fun...
It was a very fun and relaxing dive. But, Ellen and Cal left the next day on their journey up the Rio! Another good dive buddy gone!! So yes, back to my favorite color...since I could remember...yellow has been my favorite color and now combining the sea, and the horse...well can't get much better than that!
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Short note from the Capt
Tue May 10 2011 8:27 am
Yep 8:27 AM.....yesterday I didn't get up till after 9 am. Dealing with gravity 1st thing in the AM is not high on my list. We have had a few showers over the last few days ....just enough to increase the humidity 10-15 %.
Our plans to move the boat over to a side tie (boat tied along the side of the dock rather than the stern to with the bow out) Seems there is only about 6-6 1/2 feet ...so I guess we stay where we are for now. After checking the hurricane routes and time of the year for this area, September is the height of the season....so our trip back to the obamaland (he is not worth the capital O) will be from June 18th through Sept 3rd. Would probably move the boat back behind the island if we have a real blow. Have plans in my head...but would depend where all the 80=90 ft steel shrimps decide to park.....
I have not fixed the short in the aft a/c yet....will the next rainy day....Denny said he would come over and help....temps and humidity are going up...have to keep A/C on 24/7 just to keep the boat below 82 deg during the day... Joyce makes use of a blanket in the mornings and evenings....but temp never drops below 72 unless it rains and there is no sun on the boat. Without our new sun shade temps would be in the high 89's with 90's in the afternoons. Jim and Norma's A/C js down....Norma like me consider A/C a necessity ...of course getting someone out to fix the damn thing is a major undertaking here in the 3 rd world....then if you need parts....well could be hot for a while. Jim and Norma are flying back in a few weeks....Jim is making his boat parts list to bring back....I'm starting mine now.. As we make our flights....the baggage rules of the airlines are major influences on which airline....Continental gives you 1 bag at 50 lbs while Delta gives you 2 at 50...Since I'm a high miler with Delta, they give my 2 bags at 70 lbs...and if I get upgraded (70-80% chance) I get 3 bags at 70....so compared to Continental we could get 310 lbs compared to 100 on Continental. Thats is alot of boat parts and or good American meats from Sam's. Between shipping and duty that could be several thousand bucks savings for 100-150 more for the cost of the tickets.
So yes the season is winding down here on Roatan....most heading up the Rio early so they can go home and try to make some money......to continue their cruising dreams......
Yep 8:27 AM.....yesterday I didn't get up till after 9 am. Dealing with gravity 1st thing in the AM is not high on my list. We have had a few showers over the last few days ....just enough to increase the humidity 10-15 %.
Our plans to move the boat over to a side tie (boat tied along the side of the dock rather than the stern to with the bow out) Seems there is only about 6-6 1/2 feet ...so I guess we stay where we are for now. After checking the hurricane routes and time of the year for this area, September is the height of the season....so our trip back to the obamaland (he is not worth the capital O) will be from June 18th through Sept 3rd. Would probably move the boat back behind the island if we have a real blow. Have plans in my head...but would depend where all the 80=90 ft steel shrimps decide to park.....
I have not fixed the short in the aft a/c yet....will the next rainy day....Denny said he would come over and help....temps and humidity are going up...have to keep A/C on 24/7 just to keep the boat below 82 deg during the day... Joyce makes use of a blanket in the mornings and evenings....but temp never drops below 72 unless it rains and there is no sun on the boat. Without our new sun shade temps would be in the high 89's with 90's in the afternoons. Jim and Norma's A/C js down....Norma like me consider A/C a necessity ...of course getting someone out to fix the damn thing is a major undertaking here in the 3 rd world....then if you need parts....well could be hot for a while. Jim and Norma are flying back in a few weeks....Jim is making his boat parts list to bring back....I'm starting mine now.. As we make our flights....the baggage rules of the airlines are major influences on which airline....Continental gives you 1 bag at 50 lbs while Delta gives you 2 at 50...Since I'm a high miler with Delta, they give my 2 bags at 70 lbs...and if I get upgraded (70-80% chance) I get 3 bags at 70....so compared to Continental we could get 310 lbs compared to 100 on Continental. Thats is alot of boat parts and or good American meats from Sam's. Between shipping and duty that could be several thousand bucks savings for 100-150 more for the cost of the tickets.
So yes the season is winding down here on Roatan....most heading up the Rio early so they can go home and try to make some money......to continue their cruising dreams......
Monday, May 9, 2011
Quick Update...
It seems that the "season" is winding down here at Fantasy Island. More people leaving than coming. Suzie and John left once there were Suzie seas (as she calls them...they have a trawler) and there went volleyball! I truly will miss them (and volleyball)...and their zest for enjoying life! Paul has actually started riding his bike...a great stride I believe to his continued improvement! And, yes, I have been diving...and not blogging. I did take yesterday "off" from diving to enjoy Mother's Day! Mizzen got another boat ride...and as you can see she is getting a little more comfortable...
although in this picture she is staring at HER boat as we begin our trip around the island...
This picture is around the back of the island where there is a lot of noise from the shipyard and huge generators! The exciting change to the green ring happened yesterday!!
Yes, she does look a bit unsure about it!!
But so far...all is GREAT! Paul really would like her to be comfortable enough with the toilet that he can take her to the airport men's room and have her pee in that toilet when we return to the states! Not sure about that...one step at a time...she is doing so well and getting so big! And, yes, I had a wonderful Mothers Day. We had a great dinner out at a sports bar with Jim and Norma on Mi Lady. I was able to talk to my mom...AND all three of my children on the weekend...usually when I call I get to talk to only one or two out of the three...so being able to chat with all three was a wonderful treat! I truly have been blessed...with a wonderful loving mom...and wonderful loving children! So, now, back to the day to day...I will try to update with pictures of the dives later this week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011
Mr Bud and Rainy Day Diving...
We have needed the rain...well, "we" meaning the island collectively. The laundry that I hung up to dry on the other hand, well that is another story...it remains...stubbornly waiting for sunny weather...yes, it is the laundry that is stubborn...not me...I'm going diving!!
Mr Bud is a relatively close dive and one that I had not been to before, so, I thought if I went with the FI dive boat then Paul and I could go when he is ready. At first I was going to follow the group on top of the wreck...then I decided to go inspect a little bit of the hull first. Found some beautiful color...
and a very colorful open mouthed bi-valve! Then I wandered around the wreck...
had to take some pictures of the ladder...
comparison pictures to ladders on other wrecks you know...
the wheelhouse...
and the coral that has decided to take up residence!
From the wreck we wandered over to the wall...and what a surprise that was!
Scrawled Cowfish...
Coney resting inside a sponge..
we went along the top of the wall for awhile...
and could not see to the bottom...
then we went to the top...
and the fans.......
sponges and coral were gorgeous!
there was even this extremely well-hidden Seahorse with no good way to get a picture of the shy little critter the way he was tucked in between the Sea Fans and Coral but a fun find...
A 54 minute dive to 67 feet with 1200 lbs of air left. And it rained...and rained...I pumped out Hugo in the morning (pushing two metal pieces together to engage the sump pump...okay not like pushing a button...but at least it was not with the manual pump)!! I remember when I was in Costa Rica (Pacific side) the dive shops would close down in June for the rainy season because the visability got so poor. Here? We go diving!! And, off we went to Caribe Point....down the sandy spit...
I saw this little Black Bar Soldierfish with the critter hanging onto the top of his head...wonder if that bothered him.
Then around and down to the wall...and a beautiful wall this was indeed...for lack of finding out exactly what it is...
I call it black coral...
one of these days I will find out what it is exactly called and share it with you...
BUT...it is beautiful and thick on parts of this wall!
Some were even "flowering"...
Pederson Cleaning Shrimp on Corkscrew Sea Anemone...
Banded Coral Shrimp on a Giant Sponge....
Came across this Spotted Scorpionfish...
can you see him better now?
Beautiful Coral....
Then up to the plateau around 45 feet or so where there were Plumes...and Plumes...and even a Green Moray swimming between them! I did get a movie of him...but cannot get it uploaded so that will be shared another day, another way for any that might be interested! 90 feet, 52 minutes and 900 lbs of air left in the tank!To a night dive...and the first critter found out and about....
A Spotted Moray...don't know what he was doing...but he wasn't moving around and had his nose stuck into the sand.
There is something to be said about diving at night...pitch black...except for that which your light shines onto...there are things out at night that you don't see during the day...
like this Basket Star Coral...it unfolds at night to feed...
and when your light shines onto the coral...it looks brighter somehow than when you saw it during the day...
you shine your light...look for movement and find a very large crab out at night feeding...
you shine your light...look for movement and find a tiny little Octopus...always careful not to shine your light too long...or the night predators may become night prey...I didn't even let others know about this find...worried for his/her safety...
Then my first night big Octopus...and he/she ducked under the coral on the left of this picture within seconds...
to another even larger Octopus that moved along...
not quite so hurriedly...until I didn't want to shine my light any on it any longer....
And, as the dive began...the dive ended...
another (or even perhaps the same having gone to a different area) Spotted Moray...this time swimming along the rocks. So, I've slept...had breakfast...it looks like it's going to rain....and...yep...I'm going diving!!

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