2015 - A new adventure and opportunity ... three months aboard S/V Dances With Dragons with Wayne Harris
We are getting ready to go ashore....2 cattle boats in today so its business as usual here in Key West. Matt and his girlfriend get in Thursday for a few days R&R, he will be going back to Iraq for his 2nd deployment next month. Yes I'm the proud father of a US Marine. Will be cooking his favorites for a few days. But he will get the honor of dragging my new anchor down to the dink and on-board the Lady.
Well we are only getting about 100 amp hours of power out of the batteries before the voltage drops too low. We will make it back to Miami for new, but extra gen-set time is needed to keep them up. Off to the happy hours for Christmas Day here in KW....
Well we left the New River on a strong outgoing tide, Just as we cast off the Jungle Queen...that big ass tour boat rounds the bend and swings his big big butt toward us forcing me up against the wall....outboard against the piling...now bent rail...$%#@^%$#@ among a few other sayings. Had a great sail against the current...boat sailing well but SOG (speed over ground) said 6 kts ..boat speed at 7+. Sailed into the main ship channel and hooked a left into SHALLOW Biscayne Bay/ We were motoring in 8-13 ft of water till we found the channel to Dinner Key. Channel was 8-9 ft. At times there was only 6 inches under the keel. Went through the marina and back out the other channel and anchored with 18 inches under the keel...We will see how good the pizza is....